Friday, August 7, 2009


Dead student's brother faces drug charge!

Young Jason Norman was found in his mom's apartment dead overdosing on prescription drugs. In his system was several doeses of oxycontin and xanax bars. His brother was arrested days after when deputies found the drugs hidden in his room. He stated he was holding them for his mother but his brother was taking them apparently. Jason's friends said he had a problem with oxycontin and xanax but did not expect him to go out like this.

This website does not work visually and textually for persuasion. Its not that great of a website at all. Just a plain yellow background with tons of useles links, ads, and nonsense. Personally this website is a waste of space and doesnt portray to any persuasive element. Unless you include Logos for not going to this site ever!.
Facebook is a somewhat pretty website to explore. It is a social network and jsut about everyone has one. It has nothing fancy visually just a plain white background with blue boxes in certain places. But textually this is a very persuasive website. Using all form of persuasion facebook drawls in its audience into a social network where everyone is welcome.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

journal 9

i would say my stlye does change periodically. i like all kinds of fashions and music and styles. My music changes day to day. i have to be in the mood to listen to certain things. some days i may like rap and others i like slow, love songs and sometimes i like to listen to chill songs like slightly stoopid. My friends from high school liked to listen to a lot of country which wasnt really my style but it grew on me after a while. but out of my group of friends i was known as the "rap" girl. when others needed to know the name of a rap song or some new good rap songs they alway came to me i thought it was funny!

Late Journal 4

This ad is effective because it is has a very unique way of displaying its message, which works very well. The type of message it is trying to convey is one one against smoking. It does this by the unique image of a car being smashed by a cigarette. Then the caption talked about how many more people die from cigarettes per year than car crashes. The author chose the perfect image to go along with the message that" smoking causes more deaths than car accidents. This ad isn't trying to convince the audience to buy its product, its trying to convince them to not smoke by giving them an image to show how bad smoking is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Journal 10

I defiantly see my role as a writer differently! I feel like my respect for writing grew this semester. I learned a lot more than i thought there was to learn about writing. I enjoyed writing a personal narrative and doing research on a topic entirely chosen by me. I think there is still a lot more to learn about my personal writing which is why i am glad that i am moving onto 1102. But i feel that this class gave me the foundation for seeing the different aspects of writing and how you voice can be heard no matter what perspective the paper is written from. i have reached my goals for the semester, by finding my voice. I am happy to say that i can now read a paper i have written and truly know that all my effort went into in, and that the way i choses to present the material is in a way that makes the most sense to me.

Journal 10

In my personal opinion I feel my role as a writer has changed for the better. I find my writing to be more significant to myself rather than just another paper or another assignment from the teacher. Before this semester I found writing to be more a hassle, something that had to be done but not necessarily wanted to be done. But after this semester I find writing more enjoyable because of the laid back, free thinking style this semester has taught me. I know this will help me next semester because instead of fighting the ability to write, I can have a more open mind allowing me to write to the best of my ability.
Unlike my fellow classmates, i actually have become a writer from taking this coarse. I wish one day that i can write many books and continue to expand my knowledge. Actually I'm joking. I still don't see myself as a writer because every time i get assigned a paper i still get pissed and don't want to do it. ENC1101 has improved my writing skills I'm not going to lie. My style has changed from week one and so has my tone. I know how to write to different audiences and the most important to just write about what YOU want. Taking this class has been fun but i still DONT LIKE TO WRITE!