Friday, August 7, 2009


Dead student's brother faces drug charge!

Young Jason Norman was found in his mom's apartment dead overdosing on prescription drugs. In his system was several doeses of oxycontin and xanax bars. His brother was arrested days after when deputies found the drugs hidden in his room. He stated he was holding them for his mother but his brother was taking them apparently. Jason's friends said he had a problem with oxycontin and xanax but did not expect him to go out like this.

This website does not work visually and textually for persuasion. Its not that great of a website at all. Just a plain yellow background with tons of useles links, ads, and nonsense. Personally this website is a waste of space and doesnt portray to any persuasive element. Unless you include Logos for not going to this site ever!.
Facebook is a somewhat pretty website to explore. It is a social network and jsut about everyone has one. It has nothing fancy visually just a plain white background with blue boxes in certain places. But textually this is a very persuasive website. Using all form of persuasion facebook drawls in its audience into a social network where everyone is welcome.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

journal 9

i would say my stlye does change periodically. i like all kinds of fashions and music and styles. My music changes day to day. i have to be in the mood to listen to certain things. some days i may like rap and others i like slow, love songs and sometimes i like to listen to chill songs like slightly stoopid. My friends from high school liked to listen to a lot of country which wasnt really my style but it grew on me after a while. but out of my group of friends i was known as the "rap" girl. when others needed to know the name of a rap song or some new good rap songs they alway came to me i thought it was funny!

Late Journal 4

This ad is effective because it is has a very unique way of displaying its message, which works very well. The type of message it is trying to convey is one one against smoking. It does this by the unique image of a car being smashed by a cigarette. Then the caption talked about how many more people die from cigarettes per year than car crashes. The author chose the perfect image to go along with the message that" smoking causes more deaths than car accidents. This ad isn't trying to convince the audience to buy its product, its trying to convince them to not smoke by giving them an image to show how bad smoking is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Journal 10

I defiantly see my role as a writer differently! I feel like my respect for writing grew this semester. I learned a lot more than i thought there was to learn about writing. I enjoyed writing a personal narrative and doing research on a topic entirely chosen by me. I think there is still a lot more to learn about my personal writing which is why i am glad that i am moving onto 1102. But i feel that this class gave me the foundation for seeing the different aspects of writing and how you voice can be heard no matter what perspective the paper is written from. i have reached my goals for the semester, by finding my voice. I am happy to say that i can now read a paper i have written and truly know that all my effort went into in, and that the way i choses to present the material is in a way that makes the most sense to me.

Journal 10

In my personal opinion I feel my role as a writer has changed for the better. I find my writing to be more significant to myself rather than just another paper or another assignment from the teacher. Before this semester I found writing to be more a hassle, something that had to be done but not necessarily wanted to be done. But after this semester I find writing more enjoyable because of the laid back, free thinking style this semester has taught me. I know this will help me next semester because instead of fighting the ability to write, I can have a more open mind allowing me to write to the best of my ability.
Unlike my fellow classmates, i actually have become a writer from taking this coarse. I wish one day that i can write many books and continue to expand my knowledge. Actually I'm joking. I still don't see myself as a writer because every time i get assigned a paper i still get pissed and don't want to do it. ENC1101 has improved my writing skills I'm not going to lie. My style has changed from week one and so has my tone. I know how to write to different audiences and the most important to just write about what YOU want. Taking this class has been fun but i still DONT LIKE TO WRITE!

Journal 10

As a whole I've become a better writer. I learned how to use rhetoric in my work to help get a point across in a certain fashion. The only times I would write would be for school papers, facebook, and cards. After these past three papers, I find it more interesting to write than it was in high school for me. I will use what I have learned in this class to keep making myself a better writer. I also understand now how important it is to project to a desired audience with a certain tone or voice.

journal 10

I feel my role as a writer has changed since the first class. I feel like i write with more confidence witch allows me to have my paper connect better and flow. Becoming a more confident writter and having my papers flow better were my goals for the semester. So yes I have improved in the catagories i have set my goal in, but there is always more room for improvement. I feel this will make writing my papers easier in my classes next semester. It wont take me so long to get and idea from my head onto the paper.


After surviving my first semester of college in ENC1101 sadly I do not see my role as a writer any differently. Yes i do think my skills have improved since i began this course six weeks ago but as a writer I belive I remain the same. Yes i accomplished my goals for this semester i completed this course hopefully with a good grade. And i didnt slack off as much as I thought I would. I feel I am better prepared to go on and complete my second semester of English in one of the various classes offered.

Journal 10

I still see my role as a writer the same. I enjoy writing when I am assigned something and I get into it quite easily, but I am not one to just sit down and write for fun. Although, I definitely think I accomplished my goals for this semester and I feel much more comfortable with the writing process. This class really helped me become more comfortable with writing separate drafts and it taught me what to look for to improve my paper from draft to draft. This is for sure going to help me in ENC1102 because I will already know what to look for when editing my papers and going from draft to draft. I also won't worry about trying to make my first draft of a paper so good because I now know it can improved greatly later.

Journal 10

I still have the same opinion, I am not a writer. I only wrote for class requirements and did not write short stories, poems, etc. in my own time. I have accomplished a great goal of mine though. I feel as if I do not stress as much over page requirements as I use to. Having to write three papers, all 6+ pages and in 6 weeks, is actually not that bad!

Journal 10!

From my first journal, I feel exactly the same about my role as a writer. I know I am a writer, and everyone is a writer. We use writing everyday in our lives. Now there's a difference between a good writer and a bad writer, but each person is a writer no matter their talent level. I haven't fully accomplished my goals as a writer, and I might not ever will, but I certainly have improved with my grammar and helping my writer's block. Also, Leigh has showed me that their our prompts, like our final paper, where you can write about something you enjoy and it really makes writing a lot more fun and enjoyable.

Journal 10

First Response:

I guess I would consider myself a writer because I find myself writing a big portion of my day. I'm constantly texting, emailing, "facebooking", and doing homework that writing actually is a big part of my life. I actually like writing, not only to get a good grade, but it's a huge source of communication and it can just be fun. If I wasn't to write, then I have no clue how I would talk to any of my old friends.In this class im hoping I can learn how to actually write. Like I've said before, I write all the time, but I would like to know the rights and wrongs to writing. I want to be able to love doing it at the same time. A lot of people write as a source of getting away and I would really like it if i could do that too.

I still consider myself a writer and writing is still a huge part of my life. I write all day everyday, but I feel like I'm more conscious of it now. My goal coming into this class was to develop more of a voice; show my audience who I really am, and I truely feel I have accomplished that goal. I write more like me and I say things exactly how I would say them. I don't feel the need to replace smaller words with biggers ones, and I don't feel like I have to be someone I'm not. These minor things have really made a huge impact on my writing and I'm very excited to use everything I learned for my upcoming english classes.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I think my attitude towards writing has changed drastically over the period of this semester. At the beginning I stated that I despised writing, but now I actually enjoy it! When I heard that the first paper needed to be 5 pages long I freaked out. But after working on it for three or more drafts, this length requirement seemed much less intimidating. I plan to use the writing responsibility that I learned this semester for the many other writing courses to come. Overall this class helped me grow as a writer drastically.
I don't see my role as a writer any differently than what I did at the beginning of the semester. I said I was a writer then, and I still am now. I love writing and always have, so that hasn't exactly changed. However, what I've taken from this class is the realization that all of my papers don't need to be made perfect the first time around. It's okay to go back and edit what you've already written, which used to be something I dreaded doing. Even for tests, I never would go back and check my answers (though I suppose that has more to do with the fact that I'll start second-guessing myself). So yes, I think I've accomplished my goals. I've improved as a rhetorical writer, which will be of great use next semester, even if the class is more research-oriented. Thank you for a great semester!

Journal 10

For the most part, I do not view myself any differently as a writer. Even though I dont consider myself a writer, I have still learned a lot from this class and I know I will use a lot of the skills I’ve learned in my english class next year. Next year, I will take more advantage of the drafting process and peer work shopping. I have learned to control my writing and stay focused while keeping my audience in consideration.

Journal 10

Not yet. I know how to write well when it comes to cards or letters expressing my feelings, but when it comes to long papers that have specific topics, I could use some more experience and work with those. Although, I do think I have very good potential to be a great writer. I write for two reasons: schoolwork and socially. I write papers for school and I'll write letters and cards to friends and family expressing my feelings or simply just to say hello and chat. I definitely hope to learn from this class how to become a much better writer when it comes to writing about specifics more than just my emotions and how I feel.

In my first response I said that I was not a writer yet because I figured I could become one over this summer session in ENC1101. I was correct. I definitely do believe my writing skills and my overall writing in general has improved to the point where I now can consider myself "a writer." Over the semester I learned how to adapt a mundane or personally insignificant topic of a paper into one that I enjoy writing about. At the end of first post I said,
"I definitely hope to learn from this class how to become a much better writer when it comes to writing about specifics more than just my emotions and how I feel." Even though I still write with my emotions, I am not just writing with my emotions. I am writing about specific and given topics with my own emotion, tone, and style--which is just what I wanted to learn how to do. I think this class has helped prepare me a lot for my future English class(es) in the sense that I enjoy writing more and I know how to write even better than I first did in this class.

Journal 10

Revisit the first journal of the semester. Do you see your role as a writer any differently? Have you accomplished your goals for the semester? How will this help you in your 1102/42/45 class next semester?

I would definitely consider myself more of a writer now, and not only just in class. I think now when I write I concentrate more on my style and my voice, and I try to imagine my audience . Especially when I'm writing in class, I reread what I have written trying to find places where I can improve, or where something doesn't make sense so that I can rewrite that portion. Even when I'm making a comment on Facebook I reread it, no one wants to look illiterate in front of the whole Facebook world. In my opinion I have accomplished my goals for the semester, I improved (I hope!) as a writer, and I have changed my view of writing, I don't really look at it as a chore anymore. I think this will help me improve my writing for my 1142 english class, beginning from a higher starting point.
At the beginning of the semester I didn't really consider my self to be a writer other than text, email, etc.. At the beginning of the semester I also didn't really care about writing nor did I really like to write. By taking this class I learned that my writing doesn't always have to be the standard five paragraph essay and that it doesn't have to stick to a one style or basic writing format and rules. I definitely learned a lot more about expressing myself in my writings and saying what I want to say. I think this clas will help me in my future english class because it has taught me a different way to write.

Journal 10

I actually do see myself as a different writer, in a positive way. I have always hated writing and I remember saying to myself how much I'm going to struggle  in college when I am going to have writing assignments due. In reality, this summer session was not bad at all. I did struggle sometimes but I feel like as if my mind has expanded and I can write much more. I have accomplished my goals for the semester because I feel that the next time I am assigned a paper I will have no problem at all. I am very prepared for my Enc1102 class.

Journal 10

First Response:
No, I do not consider myself a good writer. I've been told so in the past, but have had the exact opposite told to me as well. I feel that the ideas are all there but for some reason I have a hard time expressing them on paper. I write mostly for school, but also spend a lot of time texting and chatting on facebook. During the next six weeks, I plan to excel where I probably lack the most, which put simply is writing a good paper. By the end of the semester, I would like to actually impress my teacher with an essay of mine, rather than having her point out the flaws for me to correct. Lastly, I want to master the MLA and APA formats so I don't have any trouble writing papers in the future.

The Last Response:
Yes, I do see myself more as a writer now. Originally, I was not very confident in my skills to express my ideas on paper clearly. Now with all of the tips and guidelines I have learned in this class, writing a paper isn't so painstakingly grueling anymore. I will probably never be able to amaze a teacher with a rough draft of mine, but it was just a thought. I will remember that "Any paper can be better!" Although I did not "master" the MLA and APA formats, I'm sure I'll touch up on that in one of the next classes.

journal 8

The attractive website that I chose was Michael Kors. First of all each season he has a new theme and with that theme he has signature colors which he uses in his clothing line and then he incorporated those colors into his website. This fall the major color is MAGENTA. On the opening page he has one of the ads that he will use and everything in the photograph is in a sephia color tone except for what the model is wearing which is magenta. It is a very simple and straight forward website advertising the fact that the new collection has arrived.

The ugly website that i chose was First off it is extremely plain. There is the search bar, and the main color of the entire thing is white. There is a small corner with the American flag in it that says "Peel Me" trying to get the audience to click on it but the fact that it really isn't a unique symbol or anything doesn't keep my attention. The traditional ASK symbol is in the red bubble but that is always used and the website all around is just extremely plain.
Now that the semester is ending, i do think that i have become more of a writer. I really learned how to write to my audience and not focus so much on the trying to sound extremely professional. Throughout the entire writing process i learned new ways of writing and how to really "think outside of the box" and branch out. I now know how to branch on many of my ideas and how to expand even small details that sometimes go unnoticed. I wanted to learn how to become more versatile this semester and I feel as if this course has helped. For my future english class I can now use my new ways and learn how to fully expand on topics and write with creativity and imagination. I have learned to challenge myself more with my writing and I have realized that it has helped me alot.

Journal 10

I see myself as more of a writer than I did at the beginning of the semester. Before this class I thought of writers as people who wrote books or essays or things like that. Now I realize that anyone can be a writer. You don’t have to be writing a novel to be a writer. I write much more than I realized. I feel like throughout the semester I have improved as a writer. I feel like the peer workshops we did really helped because it let me see how other people view my writing. It wasn’t just a teacher handing my paper back to me with a grade on it. I was able to read their comments and make revisions as I saw fit. I also think the exercises we did in class helped to improve my writing. I feel more confident as a writer now. I think I will do so much better in my future English classes now.
Topic For First Journal:
Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? In addition, why do you write- is it for a grade, leisure, communication, work, etc.? What are you hoping to accomplish in this class?
My First Journal RESPONSE:
Hey Everyone!I do consider my self a writer if texting, writing on facebook, and sending cards count? Other than that the only time i write is when i have class assignments, essays/homework, or when i need to go grocery shopping..honestly i never write. Within this class i am hoping to further my knowledge of writing through grammar and have fun along the way! :)

Topic For Last Journal Journal 10:
Revisit the first journal of the semester. Do you see your role as a writer any differently? Have you accomplished your goals for the semester? How will this help you in your 1102/42/45 class next semester?
Last Journal Response:
As the semester comes to a close I still see myself as the same writer that I wrote about in my first journal. I basically only write on facebook, essays, and cards. However, I have a totally different approach on writing after finishing up this class. My goals for the semester were to “Further my knowledge of writing through grammar and have fun!” I think looking back I accomplished that. The class was enjoyable. We wrote about fun topics such as personal experiences and how visual text and written text are a lot alike. We ended up making a magazine for the final essay which was a creative and fun way to write. I have to admit I have never taken a class like this before. In high school all of my English classes I can recall were boring and we wrote about stuff that was not interesting at all. I also liked our daily writings in class we did. For example the Jessica Simpson writing. That was a fun way to write and related to our age’s interest. This activity also taught me that you can have different perspectives on the same topic. I also have improved my grammar. By having lots of peer editing and workshops I found patterns of what I was doing wrong. For example, where to put commas, not use contractions, and when to explain in more detail, etc. This class and the knowledge I have gained from it will help me in my next English class. For example, I will be able to use what I learned but mainly it will give me a different approach on everything. I am now more opened minded and realize how you can make writing fun as well as how to be more creative when writing. :)

At this point, I don’t really see my role as a writer too differently, because I don’t view myself as a writer, although I have realized how often I actually do write. I have come to the conclusion that I do enjoy writing when I am allowed to be creative. For my other class I took this summer the papers were all research, and I despise research papers, which is probably why I had the most trouble with paper #2. The papers for this class have been fun for me to write because I have been able to write about subjects that I find interesting, and as a result, the words just spilled on to the page. Instead of scrambling to BS a few pages to achieve the required length, I’ve found myself struggling to cut pieces of my writing out because my papers 1 and 3 have been too long. So I think I halfway accomplished my goal of finding my passion for writing that I once had. Next semester I’m taking ENC1145 and I think I will do well with my writing, now that I enjoy it.

Journal 9

Personally I feel my style of writing changes among its audiences because each different piece I write has a different message, written in a different tone of voice. When writing to a friend or someone I feel very comfortable with, I tend to write more relaxed. I don't focus much on grammar or the content of my writing. The purpose is to get the point across in a less formal manner. My tone changes when I write for school or something more professional. In school I have to focus on the content of my writing and especially the grammar in order to have an appropriate paper. My tone especially changes when writing thank you letters because I have to be more polite and sincere in my writing.

Journal #10

I think i have accomplished a lot this year especially the things i set out to do.  In our first journal i said how i would like to be able to write in all different styles, and through out the semester i feel i have really learned some valuable tools in writing different ways.  The first paper really got me to focus my attention on detail and explaining things as if i were explaining it to an infant with no knowledge of the world.  The second paper really helped me connect real life writing with all the rhetoric stuff we here in class.  The third paper kinda allowed me to put both these things together in one, by using detail to explain a certain subject while uses images to supplement my idea.  All these skills i have learned i feel will help me in my later writing career here at FSU.  I think i am now a stronger writer and most importantly i think i have a new found attention to detail and how to reach a certain audience through my writing (thanks Leigh).

Journal Ten

Throughout this brief period of time my writing has become more analytical, and this class has tested and expanded my abilities beyond the five paragraph essay. I still have a very strong dislike for writing but I don't believe that this will ever change. According to my first essay I hated writing and only wrote when I needed to, now I hate writing a little less and when I do write I tend to be more descriptive. This descriptive ability will especially help me when I take ENC1145 when writing about comedy in America.

Journal 10: Due Tueday August 4

Revisit the first journal of the semester. Do you see your role as a writer any differently? Have you accomplished your goals for the semester? How will this help you in your 1102/42/45 class next semester?

Journal 9

In my opinion, yes my style changes depending on the audience I'm writing to. If I'm just messing around and writing to my friends, my style is on a more personal level, as if I was writing a research paper. As for writing thank you, holiday or birthday cards to older family members, i have a more sincere style. On the other hand when writing to little children is when you have to be the most careful with your style of writing. You have to write in a way for them to understand, and also be careful with what you write in general
Yes, my style does change with different audiences. When I'm around my friends i usually joke around a lot and mess with everyone. When I'm talking to a teacher or someone who i need to show respect to, i become more serious and formal. When i write essays, i never abbreviate like i would do in a text message. If my topic was a research paper, i would try and keep it on topic and write to the third person. I would say that everyones style does change when talking to different audiences because thats how the human mind works.

Journal 9

Yes i belive my style changes with my audience. Certain criteria to what i write might not be suitable for certain audiences. Like i naturally curse alot when im around firends or people my own age but if im writing to my parents it would be cleaner and more formal writing style. Friends would be texted normally that has a style that i dont text or write too for a teacher or professional. so yes my style chagnes with audience.

Journal 9

My style does change depending on my audience. If I'm speaking to friends in my age group via text message I do not try to sound all "proper." On the otherhand if I'm speaking to one of my elders, for example, through an e-mail I tend to sound respectful and I do not abbreviate. 

Journal 9

Yes, of course. My style will change depending on my audience, as it should. When talking with my friends (who are usually very literate), I will type in complete sentences and use proper grammar. I may skip on capitalization with them, but even then it's usually just a typo. With classmates who I need to contact for assignments and the like, or just anyone who is a peer of mine, I usually try to adjust to how they write. If it's a facebook message, I actually make an effort 2 type lyk this lol bcuz thats how every1 does it. For someone like me, it's not easy and internally I'm strangling myself, but it's what appeals to the majority and the person whom I'm conversing with for whatever reason. When writing in general to my peers, I try to avoid using a more complex vocabulary, since no one likes a show-off. I try to include more pop-culture references too. However, when I'm writing to a crowd of mostly adults, I am able to write how I normally would like to, using proper grammar, a strong vocabulary and I can even throw in a few jokes that they would understand. My humor doesn't exactly make others my age "lol", I've discovered. Though I must say, Vonnegut makes me "lol". I loved Slaughterhouse-Five. So it goes~

Journal 9

I would definitely have to say my tone or style changes towards different audiences. When I'm with my friends, I can be myself and say whatever I want. When I talk to someone completely different like my boss at work, my tone changes from loud and carefree to calm and collected. If the message is relayed over email rather than in person, it's pretty much the same idea. An email to a friend may be sloppy and may have improper grammar, while an email to someone of authority will be properly headed and written perfectly.

Journal 9

Style depends on audience 100%. It is something that must always be considered before writing or speaking. When speaking I normally don't think about my audience, I just naturally know how I should speak depending on who I am talking to. When writing I usually have to think about it so my whole paper is consistent. If I am writing to my teacher or an adult audience I will probably write in formal way. If I am writing something that isn't a school paper such as an email to a friend my voice is much more casual and relaxed. So yes, depending on the audience my style/voice always changes. It is a necessary part in a successfully speaking or writing a paper.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Journal 9

I would definitely say that my style or voice changed depending on my audience. An example would be the paper I am writing now, part of my group's the travel magazine. I'm writing more of an informative essay, versus if I were writing a children's book. In the travel magazine, I'm writing towards a more mature audience, so I can include a larger vocabulary and more complex sentences. As would be the opposite with a children's book. If i were to be writing to an audience of kids the vocabulary would be limited to smaller words, and simple sentences, for easier comprehension.

Journal 9

My style changes all the time according to the audience I am trying to speak to. I have a very unique style and voice that is distinct from everyone else, but it depends on who I am talking to whether or not I speak more polite and professional, or more vulgar and inappropriate. When I talk to someone of higher rank or importance, I show more respect and try and be more slick when I address them. When I talk to my friends via text message or just talking in general, I use abbreviations, bad words, and don't think about what I say. I put my own little twist in everything I say because I am different from everyone else, but my style certainly changes to whomever my audience is.

Journal 9: Styles

Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

Yes i believe that my style of writing changes with the audience that i am speaking to. I also believe that the my style changes with the topic that i am writing about. A topic that i know of and understand is different from one that i am confused about and trying to "BS". If I am talking to an adult or someone who has authority over me then my style would be different than if i was talking to a friend. Talking to a friend, my style would be more relaxed and may sound like you i actually am. If i am talking to my boss, i would have a more serious and professional style.

Journal 9

Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

Yes, my style definitely does change depending on the audience whom I'm talking to. I hope that everyones style changes too because there are many ways to express yourself. My style when I'm writing a paper is way different than writing a text message to a friend. In a text message you really don't use punctuation and misspelling words is not a big deal but it all changes if you were writing a paper for school or writing a letter to someone. Same thing with using a certain voice when talking to people. When I talk to my professors I don't use vulgar language like as if I were talking to my friends.

Journal 9

Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

My style does change depending on my audience. I think everyones kind of has to. If you're talking to your professor, you wouldn't speak to them as if they were your best friend. You'd speak to them more professionally. It's like that exercise we did in class. Where there were 3 situations and we were all assigned one of them and had to pretend we were writing to our best friend, and then our mother. With our moms, we would probably not say as much to as we would if it were our best friends. Also, if I'm with children, or writing for children, I would need to change my tone and style to fit to them. I wouldn't curse or use any vulgarity because they are a younger audience.
I would say that my style and voice definitely changes. A lot of the time it will change depending on my audience. Weather I'm writing, talking, text/email, and depending on who my audience is will indicate my style. I do find though that most of the time my style doesn't stretch to far from one center point of how I am , how i write, and how i speak.
When I write for different occasions, my style and tone tend to change drastically. In text messages, i use many abbreviations and follow no grammatical rules. I don't use commas or periods, and rarely capitalize. I am so lazy with my texting because I usually text just my good friends, so they don't really mind. On the other hand, when I write for my classes, I try to be as grammatically sound as possible. Even though I feel like I'm being boring when I follow the rules, I just realize that this is the correct way. I would much rather write the way I text. Also in academic writing, I tend to use more complex sentence structure and working on using a better vocabulary. Another occasion where I write is when I am writing thank you cards. I tend to be very formal and as polite as possible. This is for a good reason because they give me something.

journal 9

OF COURSE!!! my style changes not only depending on my audience but due to many other variables in the world. if my audience is a teacher for a research paper i will have a more analytic paper but if it is for a little kid my paper will hopefully sound fun and adventurous. Other variables that can change my style would be for instance, my emotional status at the time i am righting, and there are a lot of uncontrolled variables that can dictate how i feel at the time. My writing style changes from whether im writing a book report or paper for school or whether im texting a friend. When my friend is reading the text i dont want it to be just plain and analytical i want it to have some feeling, at the very least.

Journal #9

Yes, with out a doubt both my style and my voice changes according to my audience.  I believe i have a very distinct voice and when i write i think people know that it is me, they know i am the author and i tend to write as a speak.  But when my audience changes so does my voice and style.  If it is an informal type of writing such as text messaging or IM's i tend to be succinct and to the point not really including much detail and most of the time abbreviating words.  If it is an e-mail to someone important like a teacher or an advisor i tend to be a lot more formal using better language but at the same time getting to the point.  For papers in school my style changes drastically i use much better vocabulary and provide as much detail as i can in order to not only get my point across but to explain it almost elementary.  

Journal 9

Absolutely! My style and vocal tone changes 100% when I'm speaking to different audiences. For example, if I were speaking to a teacher or an adult I wasn't too familiar with, I would speak in a respectful and more "adult-like" tone to relate to them and not treat them as a child or someone my age or younger. If I were speaking to children, I would speak in a tone that is fun and exciting (to keep them interested) and I would use smaller words for them to understand and appropriate language since they are young. These different tones vary with the tone I use with my friends. The tone I use with my friends is the tone I would use if I were talking to myself or the tone they would use to talk to me. I would speak in my normal voice, act like my normal self, probably use occasional foul language, and just speak my honest mind. Sometimes speaking too honestly to adults could come off maybe disrespectful and immature and speaking too honestly to children could come off too mature and inappropriate or incomprehensible to them; therefore, I think a change of tone is definitely necessary.
Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

Yes my style and voice change depending on my audience. For example if i am sending a text message to my friends i might use the style of code words or slang such as, "Hi whats-sup,lol, lamo, omg, etc." If i was sending a text or calling my grandma, (wait i probably would not even text her )then in that case i would say hello, how are you doing, hope you had a great weekend, etc. Not only would i use more proper words then code words but i would talk with more sophistication and respect. (It's not like i talk to my friends disrespectful however it is the "cool" thing to do...they don't care what you say as long as you say something and get the point across.) Also if i were writing a paper/letter to a little kid i might make the words easier to understand and have more of a fluffy tone, with a happy ending, and a nice voice. Unlike if i was writing a paper to my teacher i might use bigger vocabulary and a more powerful tone. Also emotions might play a big role in a certain situation. If you for example got a graduation card with cash and was going to send a thank you note you would be willing to show your gratitude and emotion such as, "Thank you so much....that was so thoughtful of you to think of me....etc" in this case you would sugar coat and really express how nice that was for them to give you that card. In an alternative situation lets say your boyfriend was cheating on you and you just found out. You were so mad that you could not personally talk to him and tell him how you felt i mean after all you felt more comfortable writing him a note to put in his locker. In this situation your note would not be as nice and grateful. You might use dirty language and show anger to get your point across. Regardless of which situation you are in different ages of; kids, teens, adults, and elderly you are going to be addressed differently. This can be influenced by your emotions as well as your tone. The tone could also make the style of the message, letter, or essay change either for the good or the bad. :)

Journal 9

Of course my tone, style and overall message change depending on my audience. For example, if I was writing a story for my 4 year old brother to read, it would sound a lot different than a story I wrote for an adult audience to read. Your tone, technique and message also depend on the situation and circumstnaces of the piece you are writing. If the piece is meant to be read from the back of a book jacket, it should be inticing and sound very interesting so that it will be more tempting to buy. But, if the piece was written to be an informative perscription label, it would not need to sound as exciting and tempting.

Yes, my style changes depending on my audience. If I'm writing a research paper, I keep the tone professional and always in third person. If I'm writing a narrative I try to write so that the reader can tell I'm the one writing it, I want my writing to have it's own voice. In a text message I abbreviate all the words and don't worry about capitalization or grammar or anything like that. Other important things like thank you notes, resumes, things like that, my tone is always kept professional.Emails change depending who they're written for. An email to a teacher will be thought out and written professionally. An email to my parents or friends is just a quick short message, very informal.


Yes, my tone and style changes as I write. First of all if I am writing to my friends, but in a letter format then the way i write remains very casual but it still has a formal aspect to it. If i am writing a text message to a friend then i use VERY casual language while also using abbreviations for things. If i am writing something to my parents I also try to use proper english because if not they will tend to say "this is what i pay to send you to school for". When writing a thank-you letter to someone i also write with a formal tone. Since those mostly go to adults I try to sound as sophisticated as possible. When I write for school my tone and style change with the piece. If i am writing something that is directed to a non-formal group if people then i write very casually, otherwise I try to display the skills that I have learned throughout my writing process. Overall my style and tone vary depending on what my audience is.

Journal nine

I would sure hope that any one's writing voice would change according to their audience. When writing its like having a conversation with the reader. You probably wouldn't talk to your parents the same way you talk to your friends. My writing style or tone changes frequently depending on my audience. I write in a more humorous manor when I am writing a narrative essay, but when I write a research paper or an analysis of some sort I would write with a more serious tone but would also throw in a little pizazz to lighten the mood.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

journal 9

My tone defiantly changes depending on my audience. Overall i feel like i have a very free/ flowing voice. When i write i like for the reader to say, i can see her saying that. I like for my writing to reflect the person i am and how i speak. However, there are different types of writing that my tone must change to reach the person i am talking to directly. Text messaging or instant messaging is short and very direct. But writing papers i use a more though out writing process, my sentences are formatted and i try to please the reader who is not interested in abbreviations and short cuts to say phrases but rather an interesting topic and well formated writing to support it. In writing for class i still like my voice to shine through the words, so that my paper is unique to my personality.