Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Journal 10

First Response:

I guess I would consider myself a writer because I find myself writing a big portion of my day. I'm constantly texting, emailing, "facebooking", and doing homework that writing actually is a big part of my life. I actually like writing, not only to get a good grade, but it's a huge source of communication and it can just be fun. If I wasn't to write, then I have no clue how I would talk to any of my old friends.In this class im hoping I can learn how to actually write. Like I've said before, I write all the time, but I would like to know the rights and wrongs to writing. I want to be able to love doing it at the same time. A lot of people write as a source of getting away and I would really like it if i could do that too.

I still consider myself a writer and writing is still a huge part of my life. I write all day everyday, but I feel like I'm more conscious of it now. My goal coming into this class was to develop more of a voice; show my audience who I really am, and I truely feel I have accomplished that goal. I write more like me and I say things exactly how I would say them. I don't feel the need to replace smaller words with biggers ones, and I don't feel like I have to be someone I'm not. These minor things have really made a huge impact on my writing and I'm very excited to use everything I learned for my upcoming english classes.

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