Sunday, August 2, 2009

Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

Yes my style and voice change depending on my audience. For example if i am sending a text message to my friends i might use the style of code words or slang such as, "Hi whats-sup,lol, lamo, omg, etc." If i was sending a text or calling my grandma, (wait i probably would not even text her )then in that case i would say hello, how are you doing, hope you had a great weekend, etc. Not only would i use more proper words then code words but i would talk with more sophistication and respect. (It's not like i talk to my friends disrespectful however it is the "cool" thing to do...they don't care what you say as long as you say something and get the point across.) Also if i were writing a paper/letter to a little kid i might make the words easier to understand and have more of a fluffy tone, with a happy ending, and a nice voice. Unlike if i was writing a paper to my teacher i might use bigger vocabulary and a more powerful tone. Also emotions might play a big role in a certain situation. If you for example got a graduation card with cash and was going to send a thank you note you would be willing to show your gratitude and emotion such as, "Thank you so much....that was so thoughtful of you to think of me....etc" in this case you would sugar coat and really express how nice that was for them to give you that card. In an alternative situation lets say your boyfriend was cheating on you and you just found out. You were so mad that you could not personally talk to him and tell him how you felt i mean after all you felt more comfortable writing him a note to put in his locker. In this situation your note would not be as nice and grateful. You might use dirty language and show anger to get your point across. Regardless of which situation you are in different ages of; kids, teens, adults, and elderly you are going to be addressed differently. This can be influenced by your emotions as well as your tone. The tone could also make the style of the message, letter, or essay change either for the good or the bad. :)

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