Monday, August 3, 2009

Journal 10

Revisit the first journal of the semester. Do you see your role as a writer any differently? Have you accomplished your goals for the semester? How will this help you in your 1102/42/45 class next semester?

I would definitely consider myself more of a writer now, and not only just in class. I think now when I write I concentrate more on my style and my voice, and I try to imagine my audience . Especially when I'm writing in class, I reread what I have written trying to find places where I can improve, or where something doesn't make sense so that I can rewrite that portion. Even when I'm making a comment on Facebook I reread it, no one wants to look illiterate in front of the whole Facebook world. In my opinion I have accomplished my goals for the semester, I improved (I hope!) as a writer, and I have changed my view of writing, I don't really look at it as a chore anymore. I think this will help me improve my writing for my 1142 english class, beginning from a higher starting point.

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