Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Before I read Straub's essay I thought of proofreading in a very basic sense. I thought of it as just sitting down and glancing over someone's paper and writing a few words or circling a missed comma. I didn't think about all of the work that should go into revising someone else's work. I thought about it in the way it is described in the introduction. Now I understand how much my comments could help someone's paper or help them improve as a writer. Revising a paper isn't just circling missed punctuation marks. It is a much more involved process. I will use what Straub has said to improve my proofreading skills and hopefully help other people improve their papers. I learned that I shouldn't try to sound professional or anything. I just need to be myself while I am editing their paper. I shouldn't minimalize my comments but rather expand on them.

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