Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Journal 2

I never really liked the idea of revising and responding to other peoples papers. Whenever I would do it I would always make it short and sweet, never really took the time to write out complete sentences with comments or anything like that. I would certainly never compliment anything they wrote, at least not with notes. Mostly I would be looking for grammatically incorrect things and sentences that just didn't make sense. Now I feel like I can apply some of the things talked about on Straub's essay. I'll take more time to really try give useful suggestions, instead of just pointing out what is wrong, and also comments on things that were done well on the paper. I learned that you really have to be careful and thoughtful when you edit other peoples papers. You don't want to be too harsh and just frustrate them because changes are they won't listen to your suggestions again. You have to try to blend good comments and bad comments and ways to fix them.

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