Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal 1: Due Tuesday, June 30

Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? In addition, why do you write- is it for a grade, leisure, communication, work, etc.? What are you hoping to accomplish in this class?


  1. I feel that i am somewhat of a writer. I say that because i dont write for leisure, in fact the only time i write outside of school is for communicating such as email. When I do write for school, i tend to do well if i have time to think about what i am writing about. I dont like writing in class essays where you have 45 minutes to write an essay. I've always done well on reasearch papers when you have a month to think about and edit what you are doing. In this class i hope to become a better writter and a faster thinker.

  2. I dont consider myself a writer. When I hear or see the word writer, I think of someone who writes books or articles and things of that nature. Although I do write notes, texts, lists,etc. or when I have to like in school, I don't consider myself to be a writer, only writing for school or communication. What I hope to accomplish in this class is to be able to learn more about writing.

  3. I honestly do consider myself a writer, but not for the simple fact that I've been writing for school since I first learned how to spell. I write for leisure as well and have become a better writer as a result. I don't keep a journal though (sorry!). Communication is only part of the reason why I consider myself a writer. When chatting with friends, be it on Facebook or AIM, I always use proper grammar and punctuation. Creature of habit, you could say. However, just because I consider myself a writer does not mean that I have nothing else left to learn. I hope to sharpen and hone my skills as a writer in this class and I am certain that I will. (:
    -Jordan Sandberg
    PS: I used to have to follow a blog like this in my old economics class!

  4. I consider my self as an "o.k" writer because I don't really write for pleasure. I am sure if I were to practice through writing more on my own, that I would be a great writer. Most of the time I write for grades and for communication. By taking ENC1101 I hope to better my creative writing skills and for my writing in general to flow better when being read.
    - Corey Bandremer

  5. Well personally I don't consider myself a writer because I really do not write much. The only times I will write is when I have writing assignments or essays due. I am not a bad write though just takes me a while to think of what to write. In this class I want to learn how to enjoy writing and be able to learn how to process my thoughts faster before writing something.

  6. I would say I used to consider myself a writer, when I had time to keep a journal. (yes, I had a journal, I guess that makes me a loser, haha) But the past two years I’ve been so busy I haven’t had much time to write for leisure. I wish I did though, because I do enjoy writing once I get in the grove. Writing for classes in High School was sometimes horrible, and sometimes exciting, depending on the mood of the class and the prompt the teacher gave. I hope to improve my ability to get what I want to say on paper, but also to use colorful and fun words to support what I’m trying to say.

  7. I believe I am a writer. I believe all people are writers. Everyone has opinions and ideas, and if they are able to put those concepts from their mind to paper they're a writer. Now being able to call yourself a writer doesn't always mean your a good writer, cough like myself cough. I write mostly for grades and to pass school. I enjoy texting, facebook, and instant messaging, but other than tools to communicate with my friends I dread writing. I hope to learn how to put my thoughts and ideas onto paper fluently, so I stop having what I like to call a "writer's block." I also want to improve my grammar and feel some type of enjoyment in writing and the process of writing.

  8. Hello everyone!
    I do consider my self a writer. Majority of the time i am writing cards, sending e-mails, or facebooking. I enjoy the feeling of expressing emotions through the writing of words. It is a great relief of stress for me and an amazing way to communicate with my family, friends, and teachers. Through this class i am hoping to better my writing skills as well as learn proper grammer and have fun with writing along the way! :)

