Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal 1

Do I consider myself a writer? That's a loaded question. Isn't everybody a writer on one level or another? I mean everybody has facebook or myspace or is a member on some type of social networking site where they talk to friends or family. So in essence, we are all writers. When I think of my writing habits on one hand, I do consider myself a writer because I write a lot of thank you notes and emails and I enjoy writing for the most part; but on the other hand, could you find my name on a library shelf? Not exactly. When it comes to writing, most people our age are in the same boat and don't exactly consider themselves "writers". Whats funny is if you were to ask this same group of people the same question 20 years from now, you would probably find the majority of answers to be different. It's a matter of opinion and self-confidence in what you are writing. So if you really think about it, we are all writers. We all just feel differently on the definition of what writing really is. Throughout this class I hope to gain more confidence and strategy in my writing while also learning how to express my ideas and topics creatively.

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