Friday, July 31, 2009


Yes, my style and tone changes depending on my audience. If I am writing a text message to a friend, I use a familiar tone and my style isn't put together. I do not put as much thought into a message that I am sending to a friend. If I am writing an email for work, I attempt to sound as professional as possible and have a friendly tone. When I am writing a paper for a class, I try to have a good style to the paper and use a tone that fits with the subject that I am talking about.

Journal 9: Due Monday August 3

Consider your style/voice. Vonnegut’s style is like a “band saw cutting galvanized steel.” Does your style change depending on your audience?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

journal 8

Google's website is one of the ugliest websites I've ever seen because its simply too plain. With not much color except for the multicolored "GOOGLE"in the center of the page and a small line to search, google provides no visuals to attract users. This goes to show how powerful and how useful google really is for people to neglect the lack of visuals and still use the search engine.

Rave provides its viewers with a very attractive website because the navy blue and green color scheme along with action packed pictures of upcoming hot movie allows viewers to build with excitement as they scroll up and down the page. There is a ton of color on the page but not too much where it confuses the viewer. Each different link on the home page is easy to locate allowing for fast and stressless browsing. The font on the page is also very tasteful without being too extreme. Overall Rave is a very well created website.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is The name says it all! It has many colors and is practically ugly. The usage of color is erratic. The reason it does not work visually is bc there is so much different colors you can not tell the difference between the the important info and the useless information. Everything is labeled "ugly" there is a picture of a cow and a picture of a dancing Santa clause it is basically pointless these two objects do not relate. Who would go to this site even if they were bored? There's other stuff to do. Also not many people have heard of this site. It is not very well advertised.A pretty website is It's title says it all it is a very well put together thought out website. With plenty of different categories advertising their dress line. Also in the center of their homepage is a beautiful women with a long elegant dress and a innocent smirk. It is a very happy atmosphere just like a wedding is suppose to be. A happy site for a special time in ones life.
Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don't work visually and rhetorically.

A realy ugly website would be

Is The name says it all! It has many colors and is practically ugly. The usage of color is iratic. The reason it does not work visually is bc there is so much different colors you can not tell the difference between the the important info and the usless information. Everything is labeled "ugly" there is a picture of a cow and a picture of a dancing santa clause it is basically pointless these two objects do not relate. Who would go to this site even if they were bored? There's other stuff to do. Also not many people have heard of this site. It is not very well advertised.

A pretty website is It's title says it all it is a very well put together thought out website. With plenty of different categlories advertising their dress line. Also in the center of thier homepage is a beautiful women with a long elegant dress and a innocent smerk. It is a very happy atmoshphere just like a wedding is suppose to be. A happy site for a special time in ones life.

Journal 8

A really pretty website to me would be because there are alot of pictures to look at of all the different games and all the games are sorted under types of genres. An ugly website to me would be because when you go to the log on page it is all white there is not enough picture. there is to much white, negative space on the page. its not the page that attracts its users but its the purpose of the website that gets them unlike which atttracts users both ways.

Journal 8


Amazon, may be a genius idea for buying and selling products, but in my opinion, it's hideious! First of all it's blue and orange. Need I say more? Anyone in their right mind don't like gator colors. Second of all it's plain, not symmetric and the pictures are all different sizes. The adds are clashing and it's just all around not attractive.


I came along this website as I was writing my second paper and I fell in love with it. It's attractive to me because it's colorful, eye catching, it plays music, and it's in tune with what's in style now. The colors work together, complimenting and highlighting the titles of the different links. And the music is a great idea! It keeps an upbeat energy going.

Journal 8
This thesaurus website has credibility but not much else. The only rhetoric it presents is ethos, because it gives synonyms for words.
As for its visual appeal, it doesnt really draw your attention. Its very bland and boring visual wise, just the text of different words.
This TV network website covers the three titles of rhetoric; ethos, logos, pathos. The website presents facts is a credible source for news
and TV networking information, such as new TV shows, or what time the shows are on TV. It also has advertisement that attract people
through emotional aspects. The visual part of this website stands out a lot more than the first one and is actually attractive and desirable
to look a. The backdrop on the sides are tall palm trees colored orange with a blue backround, and a large yellowish sun. In the of the
website there are colorful ads and pictures. The texts are different colors and the website is broken up into different categories.

Journal 8

Ugly Website:

For my ugly website, I decided to choose Obviously, a dictionary is not very aesthetically pleasing and the website is no different. The website serves its purpose for finding the definition for certain words, but couldn't it be more entertaining at the same time? The only pictures on the website are ads that have no relation to the word being searched. It would be great if this website provided pictures along with the definitions to show examples.

Attractive Website:

I decided to choose for my attractive website because of the amount of pictures used on the homepage. Each story and headline provides a picture alongside it so the reader can see what they are reading about. It's almost as if the picture is screaming to the clicked so the story can be read. Some stories even have a whole gallery of photos to go along with it. Overall, the site is very colorful and attracts readers to come back.

Journal 8

The ugly website i chose is, it does not have any real way to find the information you would be looking for if you were to log on to the website. It has a map of the United States and then it has advertisements for people to help with foreclosure and deals. There isnt anything exciting about foreclosure so to have a boring website dedicated to it makes it worse. There should be more information with images, overall to make the concept of foreclosure less threatening,
The pretty website i chose is,, it has a lot of color when you long on and moving elements in the corners. It is a little busy which is good because it keeps your attention to the middle of the page which is the fants girls, promoting the drink and a contest to find the missing fanta girl Websites like this are considered good, because they advertise the product while keeping the viewer interested and engaged.

Journal 8

Not attractive website:

Google's website is used in almost everyday use, but its pretty bland. Only color it uses is for the letter's of Google, and the rest of the page is plain white. Even when you type into the search engine, the same plain white background comes up with now plain black text. Even though Google is a great website to use as a search engine and find lots of information, it's not very attractive.

Attractive website:

Given I am a guy and I love sports, is very attractive for the reader. Just on it's homepage it has a great blend of colors, uses pictures and videos to show main stories, and has multiple options to choose from. So many things pop out at me when I go on that website, and I can't wait to see what's new that they have to offer. is great for sports information, and it's extremely attractive.

Journal 8

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don't work visually and rhetorically.

This website,, is very unattractive. There is basically no color whatsoever and it's all in It's all in black and white with very little blue. The font isn't anything special either. There is only things going on in the middle of the page, on the edges it is completely blank.

Forever 21's website is very colorful and full of life. The front of the website is a little bland with just a tad bit of purple and the rest gray. As you click around, the colors start to burst and you can see the website come alive. The girls makeup is very noticeable and their hair is very blonde so it makes the website stand out even more.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Journal 8

Ugly Website:
Attractive Website:

The ugly website,, does not work visually and rhetorically because it is far too simple. There are roughly four different colors used for the font but the color blue is mostly used for the links. The website is a forum and it's original purpose was for legitimate advice for school. Although there is some good advice on the forum, it is unfortunately full of a lot of junk. What also adds to the websites lack of appeal is a lack of images.

The attractive website,, is appealing because of all of the different components of the website. At the moment they have palm trees in the background and it only adds to the appeal. The website has many features including: links to full episodes, many images of people on the channel, ads, TV schedules, etc.The website uses colors well. There aren't random colors everywhere, there is a uniformity throughout the website.

Journal 8

Fugly -

No words can describe how ugly this website is. The background is plain, there are no images, and it's just a lot of text. And the text itself? Not even in caps! There really isn't much to say a bout it. It's hideous and boring. There's nothing to capture the viewer's attention. It's difficult to navigate as well, not to mention it doesn't to a great job of stating what it's for. Overall rating? -2

Sexy -

The Ralph Lauren Rugby collection website is a very attractive site. I'm not just saying that because of all of the pretty people in the video on the front page, but because of the website as a whole. The color scheme is perfect. The blue and gold give it that regal, yet still athletic feeling, while the old playbook background gives it a very authentic look, which is what the brand is aiming for. The colors are not too bright, but it's all pleasing to look at. You know what is being sold and it's not at all difficult to find what you're looking for either.

Journal 8

My really attractive website is because everything on it works well together and it there are big links with images for anything you may want to click on, instead of tiny fonts. It is very colorful and appealing to the eye. It is especially appealing to sports lovers because the website is so people can watch either replays or live sports games and images of the games just scroll through. So people can look for what they want by simply waiting for the image of what they want to pass through and just click on the image instead of having to search the site for it.
My really ugly website is because, first of all, it's the gators homepage. If that isn't bad enough everything on it is just a bunch of small text with links on them that just kind of seem to be thrown together. I noticed how crappy this site was when I was looking for schools my junior year of high school. I noticed how boring and plain the site is compared to our awesome website at FSU!Its mostly white with a bunch of boring fonts... I guess you can't expect much more from such a lame school...

Journal 8

My ugly website is The color scheme matches but that is pretty much the only good thing about it. There are so many ads on the main page and random thinks that it is more confusing than anything. You have to scroll through ads to get to the login which is such a pain. Also, the only pictures on the page are ads which isn't very appealing to the eye. Also, even though the colors match but they are all variations of blue which is very boring. My attractive website is The webpage is very colorful and attractive. There are many complementary colors that draw your attention. Also, there are not any ads on there that aren't related to the actual website. The pictures on the webpage also complement the colors of the text. It is bright and cheerful and makes you interested.
My really attractive website is This website is the webpage for the magazine Intouch. This website is an attractive one because it uses many images and lots of text to go along with and support the images. It is laid out well and they use a lot of different colors which are appealing to the readers eye. My really ugly website is I consider Google to be and ugly website because it is very plain with no images or text other than the word Google. Athough this is just a search engine and thats all thats there, it is still a boring ang ugly website.

The website that I chose as ugly is The only colors on the website are blue white and gray. There are no images anywhere to be found. Every category is listed in the same font, same color. The only variation is that the city names are listed a few sizes smaller. The layout is boring and unimaginative, just column after column of the same font, over and over. There is nothing on the website to catch the customer's eye.

The website that I chose as attractive is The colors are soft tones of pink and beige that reflect the clothing in the stores. The website gives of a vintage feel having the colors fade out and having the different choices of product on rectangles that look like old tape. There are pictures everywhere of the clothing and other products that Anthropologie offers, and it is easy to maneuver your way around the website.

journal 8

My choice for best website Their use of images grabs the readers attention and it is created so the use of it is simple. The purpose of the website it obvious as well. Unlike my next contender This web site seems to me to have no specific purpose the layout of this web page is awful it is difficult to navigate, but the person who made this was an artist so I guess it is supposed to be as abstract as he his.

Journal 8

My attractive website is To me this website is very attractive because when the page opens up there are so many things going on at once. There are detailed and colored pictures all over the page and you can click on any of them to go into that section. Also the special effects on the page are unique and it definitely catches the attention of the person browsing through the page.

My ugly website is definitely going to be Once this page is opened up it is just so plain, white, and ugly! On the page there's a list of US states and cities from all over the world that you can pick from. The only color on the page are the lists and they are blue, which is very boring to the eye.
Ugly Website:

This website is ugly because its very old fashion and plain. There are no images on the page, and the text does not grab your attention. Nothing about this website makes me want to visit it or read it. Wikipedia is not even a reliable source. This website is just not good one to use.

Attractive Website:

This website i think is the most attractive to me. As soon as the page loads you see the title in large red font that stands out on a carbon fiber background. There are many videos and blogs on this website, and each of them grab the readers attention. This website is easy to use thanks to the scroll down menu located on the top bar under the browser. There are also many cool pictures and videos of cars and motorcycles that will blow your mind.

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don't work visually and rhetorically.

Ugly Website - -

Attractive Website - -

I find an ugly website because it has no pictures on it. The font used on it is dull and unattractive, and with the exception of the blue header, the font color is black and grey. There is nothing that stands out when you look at it. is a very plain and simple website. It makes sense though. is not trying to sell you something. Its not trying to prusuade you. It is a simple tool that people use.

On the other hand I find (FSU's athletic website) a very attractive website. When you first open it you notice the seminole logo. It is large and centered, letting people know that they are in FSU territory. In addition, there is a picture of the cheif osceola in the upper right corner. There are a lot of links with pictures up and down the sides of the page. The website is garnet and gold. I know that this is because they are the team colors, but it helps the page stand out.

Journal 8

Ugly Website: 
My ugly website is google.  The website is simply the name across the top with different colors.  It is a white page with a search bar and little other commands.  Although the text is in different colors that is the weakest attempt at decoration i have ever seen.  Very plain and very boring.  Not eye catching at all.

Attractive Website:
My attractive website is ESPN.  The website employs a number of different equally great ideas/decorations.  They have a large headline that is usually a play on words or a double entendre.  To go along with this headline is usually a large picture depicting what the headline says.  Along with a great mix and match color scheme they also have pictures along the side and interactive ads and score updates.  The website is very captivating and interest the reader at first glance.
The ugly website i found is It is unappealing to the eye because it is simply a list of links and when you scroll over one, the page flashes to a different color. This makes the text hard to read and the overall look of the page unattractive.

The attractive website I found was I find this website appealing to the eye because it has cool graphics and special effects and it is easy to navigate. There are many different options and the way the layout is set up, one can easily find their way around the site. The backround on the homescreen is of a grass playing field. When you see this, you are reminded to sports and this will make you want to play (making you more likely to buy their merchandise). This was a smart way of using details to tell more about their product.
For my ugly website I chose wikipedia. This website is ugly to me because it is all black and white. The only color is blue which is used on the links. In my opinion, this is a boring ugly site. And on top of its looks, the information is unreliable, which makes it even more unattractive to me.
For my attractive website I chose google. This website is attractive to me because right off the bat on the home page is the multicolored Google sign. This catches my eye and draws attention to the logo. Also when you search a topic, pictures relating to the topic will appear. This is very useful and is quite appealing to my eye at least.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Journal 8

Ugly Website:

I chose Craigslist as the ugly website because it is just so plain and boring. There are NO pictures, videos, or animations. There is only text. All the text on the page are links and everything is the same font, size, and color. The website is just a plain white background except for the top right corner has "Craigslist" in purple, but as the same font as the rest of the page. Even when you click the links on the page, the links take you to another boring website, and so on. Everything looks the same. There is really not much to say about this website because there isn't much to it at all. Very boring.

Attractive Website:

I chose Louis Vuitton as the attractive website. The first thing you see when you type in the link is a full page of their current ad in color. Then an animation pops up asking what country/language you would like to view the website in. After clicking "United States," you come to the main page that has a '4-page' animation that slowly goes from advertisement to advertisement with links that lead you to another part of the website. Even though the background is white, the animation with pictures makes it interesting. Not to mention, there is music for the website that automatically plays, there is an option to mute it though. The different links you click on lead you to videos of past runway shows for Louis Vuitton, online shopping and merchandise browsing, complete with pictures, prices, and descriptions, and specials like being able to view all of their advertisements and celebrity advertisements, like Madonna. We are also able to do a search on the website to find anything we want and a specific search to find the different store locations all over the world. There is information where we can contact Louis Vuitton headquarters, we can create an account for shopping, and even subscribe to the newsletter for Louis Vuitton. There are many different fonts used all over the website. Of course, "Louis Vuitton" is written in it's iconic simple black font. There is also a site map and an FAQ section about Louis Vuitton and it's website. ALL of the many, many pictures are colorful and exciting to browse through and look at as well.

Journal 8: Due Wednesday July 29

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don't work visually and rhetorically.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Journal 7

Lauren was only six years old when she was brutally murdered by her step mother, Tracey Wright. She was found upstairs in the Wright home in Norfolk, on May 6th, with a collection of over 60 bruises and she was so thin it was disgusting. The doctor who saw to this case said, "her injuries were similar to those of a car crash victim". She died when her digestive system collapsed after a lethal blow to the stomach by Wright. Wright and her husband were both convicted for manslaughter for letting this happen to his child, although there is no proof that he actually took a hand in the beatings. Police, doctors and social workers had been visiting Lauren occasionally for the past 12 weeks and none of them had reported Wright and her husband, they had only given warnings which were never acted upon.
This was a cinderella story with no happy ending, Craig Wright married Tracey Scarff 18 months ago, Scarff already had two previous children, a son 9 years, and a daughter, 6 years. She openly tormented Lauren, while her children got loved and cared for. The two Scarff children knew what was going on, and knew that Lauren was being badly abused, as well did the town. And because no one took action against Tracey Scarff, Lauren Wright is dead.

Daniel killed by roadside bomb

Daniel had passed out of the School of Infantry at Catterick Garrison in North Yorkshire as the top recruit in April and had ambitions to become his Regimental Sergeant Major. He was killed in a road side bomb. He also was was also a keen snowboarder and started downhill mountain bike racing at the age of 12, and by age 15 was ranked third in the country. His Commanding Officer, Lt Col Rupert Jones, said he had already been singled out by his superiors as someone who would rise quickly through the ranks.

Journal 7

Use Google and type in your name followed by "was killed by" or "was arrested for" and find an intriguing headline. From that headline, make up a brief article detailing the events. Include a photo if you really want to snazz things up.

Laura Sieradski was arrested today, July 23, 2009 for indecent behavior
with kindergarden kids. all the kids were out at recess and she picked them all up and brought them home with her. No one knows exactly what she did just yet, but we know it was as inappropriate as it gets. she also may be charged with kid napping because she took the kids back to her place for over 48 hours. Lauras court date is in 2 weeks and the children of the parents are not too happy about this. When will it all stop?

Journal 7 Gotti Arrested in Murder Conspiracy

Mob icon and boss John A. Gotti, 44, was arrested in 2008 on federal conspiracy charges. He was indicted for being link to three murders during the 1980s and '90s. He was accused of killing George Grosso in 1988, Louis DiBono in 1990, and Bruce John Gotterup in 1991. aunthorities also state that he has also been accused of racketeering wit the possion and trafficing of over five grams of cocaine. If Gotti is convicted of all charges then he could face life in prison. Gotti has been arrested before n 1999 where he pleaded guilty for related racheteering crimes including bribery, extortion, gambling, and fraud. He served 77 months in prison until his release in 2005.

Journal 7

Ryan O'Neal's son arrested for taking drugs into jail
Ryan O'Neal, age 24, was arrested yesterday for smuggling drugs into jail. Having been caught with drug possession before, he was on probation under court order. His friend Paul Mclovin' on the other had wasn't so fortunate, due to his 5 year sentence. O'Neal came to pay Mclovin', what seemed like, a friendly visit. As O'Neal tried to slip Mclovin' a package, one of the on duty jail officers, Samuel Smith, caught an eye of the exchange. As he proceeded over to the two young men, O'Neal took off towards the doors, while dropping the money Mclovin' had given him. As O'Neal was apprehended, they confiscated the package given to Mclovin', which contained numerous numbers of drugs. After this incident, Ryan O'Neal is now serving 10 years in jail, while his "friend" Mclovin still has his 5, due to the fact that Mclovin' testified that he thought it was just a few magazines and care package items.

Journal 7

Man arrested, charged in Myrtle Beach domestic violence incident

Brandon Lee Starr, 23, was arrested Thursday morning after an investigation following a domestic violence incident the night before. After a long night at the bar, Brandon was able to drive himself to a local Myrtle Beach barber shop. Once there, he realized that the barber shop had just closed and fell into a drunken rage. He hurled a rock at the window and shattered enough glass to make his own walkway. Caught by surprise, an employee closing the shop down was struck by Brandon's fist as he made his way out with a pair of clippers. Unfortunately, Brandon was unable to cut his hair as local law enforcement found him passed out two blocks away the next morning. Brandon Lee Starr is now under custody and awaiting a court date, still without his hair cut.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Journal 7


Ryan Paul Junaid, 23, was arrested last Monday for torturing and killing animals. So far the estimated number of animals are roughly 35-40, but investigators believe there are many more. Police were notified about this horrendous act through an anonymous tip. They received a warrant to enter the home and discovered a labratory in the basement. One officer describes the scene as: "very similar to a horror movie." Another officer said body parts of small animals were found everywhere. Junaid is currently waiting for trial and is scheduled to see a judge Friday.

Who Killed Stacey Stites?
It was late Friday night, September 7, 1997. Stacey was found dead with no trace evidence to prove how she ended up hanging over the highway railing. She was brought to the examiners office where semen was found on her red dress and bruises on her right arm. An anonymous witness said that he saw a tall man leaving the side of the highway after he had just tossed his late night snack. DNA was taken from the dress and the vomit on the side of the highway just under the railing. It was a perfect match to Rodney Reed. He was charged and found guilty by a Bastrop County jury. However this murder case has left Staceys family with many questions. What was the reason behind the murder of an innocent 23 year old school teacher? Some questions will never be answered. 

Eye brows gone wrong

Christina was arrested late Tuesday night for manslaughter. The day started out as a normal day her friends say. She went in the morning and had her eye brows painted on; just like she does every other Tuesday and she suddenly got into an altercation with her cosmotologist Shareeka. He painted her eye brows on too thick and then what should have been a normal day turned bad. Christina obviously was very picky about the thickness of her painted artificial eye brows and when they were done too thick she was not pleased. "Christina is very picky, and Shareeka also messed up her poof. . . no one messes with Christina's poof" her best friend Lawanda said. Christina was so furious that she grabbed the hot wax which was on the table next to them and poured it on Shareeka. She then took the cord from the lamp next to her and starngled her. Shareeka's body was found by the head hair stylist and Christina still does not show remorse. " I did what I had to , do you think my boo would like my eye brows like this? I don't think so " Christina said during her interrogation. Christina is now being charged with manslaughter and it does not appear as if she will be getting any sympathy from the judge. We will have to see how this strange and twisted case plays out.

Journal 7

Florida police have finally put the brakes on Nick Hogan.
The 17-year-old Hogan Knows Best star, who appeared on the reality show with his wrestling superstar father, Hulk Hogan. He was charged with riding a donkey down a highway at 2am in the last night. His blood alcohol level was .12, well above the legal limit. Hogan turned himself in to authorities Wednesday, hours after police in Clearwater issued a warrant for his arrest upon the completion of an "extensive investigation" into a wreck he caused by cars having to swerve out of the way to avoiding hitting him and the donkey which was moving 6mph, well below the speed limit. He was booked on the charges at the Pinellas County Jail and later released on $10,000 bail.
Daniel Jacobs, the 22-year-old driver of a car, which investigators have concluded was racing Hogan's donkey at the time of the crash, is also being issued a summons to appear in court for ridiculously slow driving.
Despite being a minor at the time of the accident, Hogan will be tried on the charge as an adult.
Hogan's passenger, 22-year-old John Graziano, a Marine who had just completed a tour of duty in Iraq, remains hospitalized, reportedly in a coma. Graziano, who wasn't wearing a donkey belt, may have also suffered brain damage caused by swelling of his brain.
"The family's primary focus and concern still remains for the continued recovery of Nick's longtime friend John Graziano," they said. "The Bolleas will also continue to stand by the Graziano family and help them in any way they can."
Hogan himself sustained minor injuries from the smashup, including a broken arm and ribs along with neck and knee injuries. He was treated and released from the hospital the morning after the accident.
The donkey walked away with no injuries

Title: Caroline Wimmer was strangled for spreading rumors on myspace.

Caroline Wimmer died at age twenty,
She was killed by her mean boy-friend named, Benny.

It was Friday night at her Station Island home,
She was sitting by her bed all night talking on the phone.

She heard a crash and little to her surprise,
her ex boyfriend knocked down her bedroom door she was memorized.

With fright, fear, and a long hard stare,
She was quite confused as to why he was there.

Little did she know her life was coming to an end,
Or that her ex boyfriend was getting ready to commit a big sin.

As Benny approached her she suddenly screamed,
all of a sudden she thought to herself is this a horrible dream?
With duct tape in his right hand and and a hair dryer in is left he ran towards her screaming,
"Baby do you wont to know whats next?"

"Remember last week when you confessed to my girl that i was a player who liked other chicks?"
"YES i remember" she quickly said, "You did your girl wrong what you did was so sick!"

"If you were going to spread rumors you should have chose facebook to tell,
instead you choose myspace and now my girl treats me like h-e-double-LL."

"You knew she had a myspace and not a facebook so why did you post that blog?"
"I just wonted to let her see that you were a hog!"

"Baby, facebook would have been so much better,
we would have at least still been together."

"Now she hates me fake lies are on the web!"
"Now she is dating another guy named, MEB!"

"For this is reason i have came here to night."
"To put an end to my misery and push down this fight!"

"If i have to be miserby you should be too! "
"Therefore i have came to kill you!"

At this point in time he jumped across the bed,
as he landed beside her she tried to cover her head.

Time was ticking and as he reached,
her body kicked and screamed pleading as she preached,

"The reason i spread these false rumors was because i still loved you,
If i made up false rumors about you i knew she would find some one knew."

I can't believe in the first place you even chose her over me."
"I knew if i made up lies we could be together for eternity."

With a loud scream he duct taped her mouth and strangled her throat,
all with a hair dryer that is all he wrote.

A few weeks later her body was found,
she was still lying on the ground.

As the police soon investigated they figured out the truth.
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Long story short Benny was arrested,
he was put in jail and was tested.

As for Wimmer people still talk to this day,
about how Caroline Wimmer wasted her life away.


It was a dark and dreary Wednesday night when Amber's physco ex boyfriend Freddie barged into her treehouse and wanted to play an innocent game of Yahtzee. She repeatedly declined his offer but he wanted no part of that. He was determined to get his game on. Freddie's persistance eventually got the best of Amber and she gave in, knowing that it would shut Freddie up. The game was going well, Amber was winning as usual but there must have been something in the air on that dark and dreary Wednesday night because Freddie became enraged with anger at his poor score. He started going into major freak-out mode and threatened to kil himself if she did not let him win. Amber figured that he was exaggerating and that she did not need to let him win a stupid game of Yahtzee. Afterall she was an independent woman, a recently promoted police dispatcher. They played a few more rounds and the score stayed on the same track. Freddie quickly lost control and ran to the edge of the treehouse. He threatened to throw himself over the edge so Amber quickly ran to his side, begging him not to leap. As she approached him, he got a strange look in his eyes; a look she had never seen him make before. When she got in arms reach of him, he grabbed her by the wrist and slung her over the edge, laughing deviously the entire time. Neighbors reported hearing a man shouting that he "would never have to lose a game of Yahtzee to Amber again... muahhahahaha". The new intern was promoted to take Ambers spot on the dispatch board and Freddie never lost a game of Yahtzee again.
Kimberly was arrested early Sunday morning for driving under the influence of alcohol. It was around 4:30 am when a witness saw her driving erratically while leaving a parking lot. She was later pulled over by the local police for driving the wrong way on a one way street. When asked how much she had to drink she told the officer that she had only had four drinks. It was later reported that she had many more than four and that she had been smoking pot. Kimberly was booked at the local jail around 6:00 am but releases hours later.

Journal 7

One of the most famous conflicts in American history, the Burr-Hamilton duel arose from a long-standing political and personal rivalry that had developed between both men over a course of several years. Tensions reached a bursting point with Hamilton's journalistic defamation of Burr's character during the 1804 New York gubernatorial race in which Burr was a candidate. The duel was on July 11, 1804 at the Heights of Weehawken in New Jersey. Alexander Hamilton was Secretary of Treasury and Burr was the sitting Vice President. Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton. Hamilton was carried to the home of William Bayard on the Manhattan shore, where he died at 2 p.m. the next day.


Journal 7: Corey Grayson arrested for soliciting female student in bleachers

Corey Grayson is a physical education teacher at a high School in Mableton, Georgia. Grayson approached a 15 year old girl, handed her a piece of paper, and asked her to write down what she wanted him to do to her, and put her address and phone number on the paper as well. Grayson feeling, I guess, feeling guilty turned him self in to the authorities. After turning himself in Grayson was released for only $1,313.

Corey Grayson

Journal 7


Jordan, 19, plead "not guilty" today at a hearing over the May 18 shooting inside the Kirkland House that killed Justin Cosby, 21. With no substantial evidence to prove the teen's guilt, it is believed that Jordan will be found "innocent", but acquaintances of the accused think otherwise. They recall the accused's desire to attend Harvard Unniversity and utter disappointment at the rejection letter. Jordan, an honors student, appeared overly distraught by the news and went into seclusion. Boyfriend of the time, Justin Cosby, ended their three year relationship following the rejection letter. It is believed that this was a crime of passion, but without any hard evidence pointing to the accused teen, it appears that she will get off without any charges. Investigators are still searching for more evidence. (My version is way cooler.)

Journal 7

Rick Bowling Arrested for Stealing Condoms!!!

Rick is a 74 year old immigrant from Colombia that decided he would steal a pack of condoms at the local 711. The old man walked in the store, put the condoms in his pocket, then decided to buy a redbull. The condoms that were stolen were a new kind that had just came out on the market. He did not notice the camera in the corner of the store that caught everything on tape. Police used the tape as evidence and it helped them track down the guy. 3 days later he was arrested and sent to jail for 5 years.

journal seven

An accident that could of been prevented. It was a Friday night Alex was walking home from his friends house, he opened the door to his foster parents home and startled the family pets. Alex was mauled to death by his foster parents three Rottweiler's. By the time Alex's parents woke up to the screaming of pain it was too late. Their newly adopted son had been killed. Precautions could of been taken place before this tragic event had happened. The family had cages for the dogs when they sleep but the family never locked them because were paranoid of intruders. Now each of the dogs will be put to sleep, and this family will think long and hard about getting another dog.
Addie Clark Hardy and Robert G.Schlossberg were among the many who were killed when Mauna Loa erupted in 1953. The massive volcano spewed lava and ash everywhere. The lava flowed for miles, destroying numerous towns. The ash rained down on the island for 3 days, burying towns that would have otherwise been untouched. Hundreds of people were killed. The eruption was one of the biggest tragedies to ever hit the state of Hawaii. Even now, scientists are still trying to figure out what caused the volcano to blow that day, the cause may never be known.

Journal 7

23-year-old Rebecca killed by drunk driver

Rebecca was leaving a club with her friends in Tallahassee one night last February. The case had gone cold due to the fact that the drunk drive fled the scene. TPD has been working with Rebecca's friends to get a description of the drunk driver. The driver turned out to be 19-year-old Joesph Jones. Jones had had his license revoked by the state due to a prior DUI conviction. Jones served no jail time for his first DUI. He is due in court on Monday pending charges.

Journal 7

Zach Randolph arrested for DUI, suspended by Clippers 

Los Angeles Clippers power forward, Zach Randolph, was arrested for Driving Under the Influence late last night.  Randolph was at a party celebrating that night's  victory over the Miami Heat when he began to drink and dance the night away.  After hours of partying, drinking, and women Randolph decided to take a few girls back to his Penthouse in the heart of LA.  He left the party early this morning around 3:00 AM in his black Cadillac Escalade with three young women.  The police officers who pulled over the LA star said that they were suspicious when they saw Randolph swerve onto the wrong side of the road.  They pulled him over and immediately could smell alcohol and marijuana, after a routine sobriety test Randolph was breathalyzed and was found to be three times the legal limit.  Randolph spent the night in jail, and a hearing date has yet to be set, meanwhile Clippers GM Elgin Baylor has suspended Randolph indefinitely and has not commented on the issue.

Journal 7: Due Thursday July 23

Use Google and type in your name followed by "was killed by" or "was arrested for" and find an intriguing headline. From that headline, make up a brief article detailing the events. Include a photo if you really want to snazz things up.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Journal 6

Journal 6

Im really bad about procrastinating.
(You should be able to tell just by looking at the time i've submitted this assignment).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Journal 6

Journal 6: Due Monday, July 20

Create your own PostSecret card. Don't worry about sharing your deepest, darkest secrets- you can make something up, or share something silly. You don't have to create a digital masterpiece, or even put your text on top of the graphics. You can just post a visual, and type the accompanying text underneath. Have fun with this, but please try to keep in mind all that we've talked about in class. To get you started, here's mine: