Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ugly website i found is http://web.archive.org/web/20060613061524/http://moire.ch/. It is unappealing to the eye because it is simply a list of links and when you scroll over one, the page flashes to a different color. This makes the text hard to read and the overall look of the page unattractive.

The attractive website I found was www.Nike.com. I find this website appealing to the eye because it has cool graphics and special effects and it is easy to navigate. There are many different options and the way the layout is set up, one can easily find their way around the site. The backround on the homescreen is of a grass playing field. When you see this, you are reminded to sports and this will make you want to play (making you more likely to buy their merchandise). This was a smart way of using details to tell more about their product.

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