Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Journal 5

I chose this article because it talks about if Jon and Kate are suited to raise their children which is a similar argument for  the topic of my paper. I think webpages can be deceptive because articles are written from a certain point of view, which guides readers to think the dame thing as the argument in the pages they are reading. However this articles, using a video element of family members telling that the show has made the parents disregard what is good for them children just to gain fame. The pictures slide show of John and Kate which i think makes the reader have a picture of who the couple is before they read the article. The couple looks like normal, nice people and then the article begins and the video clip is played and the reader is lead to believe that the nice couple in the pictures really are not that way. So in this article the layout, the pictures and the video work together to get the reader to have an opinion that lies on the same line as the people in the interview, and the author of the article. If the video was not attached to the article i feel that the reader would not hold such a strong opinion of the argument that the video provides. I think in a case like this, which is a supposed to be a private matter the pictures and the text are appropriate, i think adding the video interview was a little overboard in trying to get the reader to think a certain way. However, it does it job. 


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