Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Title: Caroline Wimmer was strangled for spreading rumors on myspace.

Caroline Wimmer died at age twenty,
She was killed by her mean boy-friend named, Benny.

It was Friday night at her Station Island home,
She was sitting by her bed all night talking on the phone.

She heard a crash and little to her surprise,
her ex boyfriend knocked down her bedroom door she was memorized.

With fright, fear, and a long hard stare,
She was quite confused as to why he was there.

Little did she know her life was coming to an end,
Or that her ex boyfriend was getting ready to commit a big sin.

As Benny approached her she suddenly screamed,
all of a sudden she thought to herself is this a horrible dream?
With duct tape in his right hand and and a hair dryer in is left he ran towards her screaming,
"Baby do you wont to know whats next?"

"Remember last week when you confessed to my girl that i was a player who liked other chicks?"
"YES i remember" she quickly said, "You did your girl wrong what you did was so sick!"

"If you were going to spread rumors you should have chose facebook to tell,
instead you choose myspace and now my girl treats me like h-e-double-LL."

"You knew she had a myspace and not a facebook so why did you post that blog?"
"I just wonted to let her see that you were a hog!"

"Baby, facebook would have been so much better,
we would have at least still been together."

"Now she hates me fake lies are on the web!"
"Now she is dating another guy named, MEB!"

"For this is reason i have came here to night."
"To put an end to my misery and push down this fight!"

"If i have to be miserby you should be too! "
"Therefore i have came to kill you!"

At this point in time he jumped across the bed,
as he landed beside her she tried to cover her head.

Time was ticking and as he reached,
her body kicked and screamed pleading as she preached,

"The reason i spread these false rumors was because i still loved you,
If i made up false rumors about you i knew she would find some one knew."

I can't believe in the first place you even chose her over me."
"I knew if i made up lies we could be together for eternity."

With a loud scream he duct taped her mouth and strangled her throat,
all with a hair dryer that is all he wrote.

A few weeks later her body was found,
she was still lying on the ground.

As the police soon investigated they figured out the truth.
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Long story short Benny was arrested,
he was put in jail and was tested.

As for Wimmer people still talk to this day,
about how Caroline Wimmer wasted her life away.


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