Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Journal 5

This article is actually a newspaper article from the prestigous newspaper the Washington Post. I find this source very reliable because of the prestige of the newspaper but that doesn't mean it cannot be misleading. A journalist writes this, and seems very biased in this article. He might be telling facts, but he's leaving out all the facts from the other point of view. Color, pictures, layout designs, and text all work together to describe the scene or the story behind the piece. They can be tricky though and have multiple meanings behind them. Your always supposed to write with text that is descriptive so it's easy to get into and feel like your a part of what your trying to say, so if you are able to use video, still images, or audio that can actually let the reader see or hear what's going on, it can only help and make the reader feel more together with what's going on. If it's a story, I would use video. If it's a scene, I would use still picture. Images can do things text cannot. Words are more appropriate than images in touching situations, such as death of a loved one, or broken hearts, any scenario where its hard for the person to get over, words are more appropriate for that type of situation.

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