Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Journal 5

Taylor Swift’s webpage gives off a different feeling than her first album. Her first album is simpler. The webpage is much busier and not as easy to look at all at once. The content is very useful and gives all the information that could ever be needed pretty much. I think the graphics are too busy and it makes it difficult to focus on one aspect of the page. There are always things moving on the screen which also makes it hard to focus. It’s even hard to focus on just one moving thing before another one catches your eye. Also, I don’t like some of the color combinations that were used. They don’t work well together. Overall I think it is a good visual webpage but there are some things that I would change to make it more user-friendly. There are many different links on this one webpage and each one has its own color and button to click. This makes it easier to tell things apart and be able to distinguish which icon you are clicking on. I think this is an accurate depiction of what Taylor Swift is trying to portray even though I think it could be done better. The picture of her on the main page is very simple which goes along great with her image. She looks very natural. There is not much text so it isn’t a chore to read which I think is great. All of the words are in very bright and popping colors. They stand out very clearly. The pictures on the page don’t stand out as much which I think is what they creators were trying to do. The pictures are much more subtle and there are fewer pictures. Also, all of the pictures are suppressed. The text is over the pictures so more attention is drawn to the words rather than to the pictures. Yes, different goals can be accomplished differently using different types of things. I think that with certain groups of people or in certain environments, one medium is much more acceptable over another. For example, if there was a lecture on something really boring, plain text would do no good. Adding pictures and videos to the presentation would make it much more interesting and it would be much more successful. In a text book however, videos cannot be added and would be distracting even if they could be. In this instance, it is much better for just text to be used. In most cases I would say that a mixture of different types is the best way. Being able to change up the way something is presented will make it more successful during its presentation. Having a boring presentation doesn’t do anyone any good so you might as well make it exciting and interesting.

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