Sunday, July 12, 2009

No matter where you go or who you're with these days, everyone has an ipod, but what makes an ipod so great? I feel this image portrays a great message to ipod potential buyers on why they should buy an ipod rather than a Zune, for example. In this photo a woman is carelessly "jamming out" to a song on her ipod. This tells me that no matter what you're doing you can always just throw your ipod on and you will always have a great time. Not only does the visual of a woman dancing persuade peaople to buy an ipod, but so does the colors in the picture. With a bright green back round and a shadow like image of a girl, followed by a white, clearly noticeable ipod, this picture tell me that nothing else matter except your ipod and the music it is playing. Although without words this picture is a great way to get ipod buys because it tell them that you can always have fun when your ipod is near.

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