Thursday, July 2, 2009

Journal 3: Due Monday, July 6

Read and respond to Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants." Who are the characters and what are they doing? What is the setting or atmosphere like? What clues does the dialogue reveal about what's going on?


  1. I just read "Hills Like White Elephants" and I thought it was very weird. Im not sure what is going on but I think the two characters involved in the story are a couple. They have been traveling for a couple hours and they stopped at the train station to relax and drink a little bit. Im pretty sure it's very hot outside so that's why they stopped to drink two cold beers. The dialogue is weird and I think they're talking about having sex? They have never had sex because the guy wants to wait longer until they are truly in love.

  2. The short story "Hills like White Elephants" is about a man and a woman who are at a train station, drinking as they wait for their trian. They are an american couple who are travling in spain. The woman seems to be intrested in the beauty of the surrouding country side while the man is intrested in the drinks. When they start talking you can tell that there is some tension between them. They get into an argument. The issue seems like it has built up over time and is not something that just came up. It is an issue that the woman feels uncomfetable talking about and throughout she tries to change the subject by bringing up the hills, and eventually just tells the man she no longer wishes to talk about it anymore. It seems that the man does not tell her his full opinion about hte issue because he does not want to upset her and he wants her to be happy on this trip. The man gets up to move the bags because the train is about to arrive. When he comes back to the bar and ask the girl if she is ok, she says that she says "I feel fine, There's nothing wrong with me". In reality I think that she is upset by the what happend and is saying this because she wants to avoid a major arguement with a person that she will be spending the next days with.

  3. This story is about an American couple traveling through Spain. The woman seems more interested in the landscape. Where the man is interested in drinking. As the couple converses, you as the reader can tell that they are aggravated about something. And then they start arguing while they are waiting for their train. It must be a sensitive subject for the woman because she tries to change the subject a few times. When her plan to change the subject fails, she says that she wishes to talk about this subject no more. The man seems like he wants the lady to enjoy the trip and keep it stress free. Before boarding the train, the man asks the woman if she is ok. She says she is fine, but I felt she was holding something back.
