Sunday, July 5, 2009

Journal 3 Hills Like White Elephants

In Hemkingway's "Hills Like White Elephants", there are three characters. Two main characters, a man, referred to as an American and a girl that he is with. The third character is a woman who is the waitress. The man and the girl have just arrived at a train station and went to the near by bar to have a few drinks while waiting for their next train. They are outside of this bar having a couple drinks. There are mountains in the distance and the country is brown and dry. It was a very hot day! The dialogue in the story gives clues that the man wants the girl that he is with to do something. Although he wants he to do something, he doesnt want her to do it if she really doesnt want to do it but the girl assures him that she wants to do this and that it will be fine.

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