Sunday, July 12, 2009

Journal 4

Select an ad (found online) which you find particularly effective and analyze it. Why is it effective? What type of message does it convey? How does it do so? What choices has the author made which convey his/her message or intent? How does the ad try to convince its audience to buy its product?**Please include an image of the ad itself, or a link to the ad, if you can**

Everyday I always see or hear ads saying to live above the influence, so I decided to find an ad that conveys the message that smoking is a bad idea. The ad is a picture of a cigarette with blood coming out from underneath. The tip of the cigarette is a skull and right at the bottom it reads "smoking kills". This ad shows that smoking is terrible and does indeed kill. The authors intent is to show people all over the world to make better decisions and one of them being not to smoke. The ad is very bold and striking and draws the eye right in. Right when I saw it, I immediately started to analyze. Basically the point of this ad is that smoking kills and not to do it.

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