Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Journal 2

Before reading Dr. Richard Straub's excerpt on responding to other students' writing, my view toward reviving and responding consisted of skimming the writers work and noting simple mistakes throughout the paper. Although I had a sense of the amount of effort that should be put forth in revising paper, those skills were never stressed because average sufficed. After reading Straub's work I feel that average isn't cutting it anymore. By aimlessly reading over someone paper and making simple corrections but not really making a difference cheats the writer from improving theirs skills on paper and well as ultimately cheating myself in my own writing. Straub has taught me to be more focused on what really needs to be accomplished during the first workshop. If I have a plan of what I need to do going into the workshop I feel my revisions will improve significantly. This will not only benefit my peers as writers but will also benefit me every time I put pen to paper.

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